4 Things You Must Do to Win at Life
The thrill of victory. The agony of defeat. The human drama of athletic competition.” -Stanley Ralph Ross
The excitement of the Olympics is contagious! We admire the athletes’ dedication, endurance and physical prowess. While holding our breath, we celebrate heroic feats with cheers and fist pumps. The Olympics represent what it means to be the best; to be a winner. Although the goal is to stand on stage sporting a shiny medal, every competitor is a winner simply for showing up. The same is true in the game of life. Kellog’s “From Great Starts Come Great Things” Olympic campaign beautifully illustrates that there can be no destination without a beginning. It teaches us how to win at life like an Olympian.
Olympians train to be the best in their athletic activity. The rest of us train for the most important event of all — life. It’s hard. Everyone struggles with challenges, disappointment, doubt. So, what sets Olympians apart from the rest of the pack? They play the game and stay in it — no matter what. The brave men and women meet challenges head on, go through them, and never give up! Focused, they keep their eyes on the prize. Undeterred, they stay in the zone training consistently; repeating and perfecting routines until the impossible becomes possible. The pay-off for hard work is huge — they win medals, the adoration of fans.
Here are four things you need to do to win at life like an Olympian:
- Commit
- Focus
- Dare greatly
- Intend to succeed
Born with cerebral palsy, I worked out like an Olympian after my SDR surgery. I dared greatly, I was committed, I was focused, and I intended to succeed. If I fell, I got back up and tried again. As you’ll see, the results speak for themselves.
While you may not be a competitive athlete, you can go for the gold in life! Commit to staying in the game. Commit to achieving your goals. Focus on what you want to accomplish. Keep doing whatever it takes to cross the finish line. Have an intention to succeed. Believe in yourself. Believe in your abilities. Keep knocking on doors until one opens. Don’t give up, train yourself to win and shine in the spotlight — center stage is waiting.